EXO 成員 TAO 日前在 Instagram 上以英文留言,請粉絲們相信他,來看看他說什麼吧!

原文:I sincerely apologize that I haven’t talking to you guys in English for so long. I’m not good at English and I’m trying my best finding people translating for me so that for those of you who is more familiar with English can better understand me. Of course, I’m woking hard learning it. In recent days, I realized there are lots of rumors about me. For most parts, it must be some misunderstandings between us. After all, rumors have stayed with me since I joined the EXO. I never want to explain or dispute with any of them, because I believe time is the best healer and it can help you guys understand everything. People who love me will always love me no matter what happened or what will happen. I do want you guys get to know more about me. I am here to say that I will never and ever lie to you guys. Please trust me like I trust all of you all the time. Love you all very much!
翻譯:我為了太久沒有用英文跟你們說話而感到真心的抱歉,因為我英文不好,而我正盡力去找能幫我翻譯的人,好讓你們能用英文更容易了解我。當然,我也有在努力學習 (英文) 中。最近,我發現有很多關於我的傳聞,而大部份都是我們之間的誤會所造成的。其實,從我加入 EXO 開始,這些傳聞就一直跟著我,我從來沒有就那些傳聞而作出任何的解釋或是有爭議,因為我相信時間是最好的治療方法,它能讓你們明白所有事情。所有愛我的人會一直愛我,不管發生了什麼或將會發生什麼事情,我希望你們能夠更了解我,我在這裡說「我永遠都不會向你們說謊」,請相信我就像是我常常相信你們一樣,我非常愛你們!

隨著文字,TAO 分享了他在跳躍的照片,照片中的他跟天空的距離像是觸手可及般,臉帶微笑的他表達了對粉絲們的信任!


另外,不要忘了 EXO 今、明兩天將在台北小巨蛋開唱喔!


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